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Freshly Picked Food
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Growing up Raphaela was fortunate that there was always an emphasis on health. From jars full of tissues infused with calming essential oils before an exam, to fresh organic produce lining the fridges. This laid the foundations to build on however, like most children after leaving home to pursue their dreams and aspirations. A lot of that knowledge was not put into practice!


After 4 years at the University of Oregon studying Psychology whilst on a sports scholarship. A further year working 100 hour weeks for a sports agency, Raphaela came back to the UK completely depleted. The final year was spent with minimal sleep and fuelling the body with caffeine and sugar. Everything she knew was bad but didn’t want to change! Add in a history of hormonal imbalance thrown in for good measure and she was now a shell of her former self. Tired and lethargic with no drive to do anything.  Like most therapists, there was a turning point in her life where she decided to follow her passion to help others improve their health, and this was it.  Enough was enough, time to understand what was going on in her body and how to get back to her energetic self. Raphaela embarked on a four year journey to qualify as a Naturopath and Nutritional Therapist. In the process using the knowledge learned to balance her blood sugar, hormones and regain energy!

Raphaela's Story


Areas of Expertise:

Our body has an innate ability to self-heal and self-regulate. However, things like an unsupportive diet, environmental toxins, stress and suppression of symptoms through pharmaceuticals limit these innate capabilities. 


Raphaela works with clients to empower them with knowledge and understanding so that they can make informed decisions about their nutrition and lifestyle. This could be through implementing a dietary plan, lifestyle changes, supplements, testing, or a combination.

Stressed Woman_edited.jpg
Stress and Fatigue
Image by Ava Sol
Upset Stomach_edited.jpg
Image by Alice Pasqual
Image by Scott Webb
Relaxing Facial
Two Women in Underwear
Weight management
Yoga Class
Corporate Wellness

 Certifications and Associations

  • BA Pschology

  • Dip CNM Naturopathy

  • Dip CNM Nutritional Therapy

  • ANP Registered

  • CNHC Registered

  • BANT Registered

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