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  • Do you use functional testing with your clients?
    Yes, in some cases testing is useful tool to help determine the root cause. This would be an additional charge outside of the consultation fee
  • How long can I expect to see you for?
    This varies on a client by client basis, it depends on a number of factors such as – How long have you been having symptoms? What is your current lifestyle like? How much time can you dedicate to improving your health? How quickly your body reacts to the changes being made
  • Do I have to meet in person?
    No, online consultations are available
  • Are supplements necessary?
    In some cases supplements are necessary to aid in the healing and balancing of the body. During the consultation you will be asked about supplements and a discussion is had as to what is manageable for you both cost, and time wise
  • What can I expect after the consultation?
    After the consultation within 72 hours you will receive a report. This will include the main aims to focus on, dietary guidelines to follow, recipes and in some cases a supplement protocol.
  • Can I contact you if I have any questions?
    After the consult I offer a 30 minute call to discuss any questions you may have about the plan. Anything outside of this emails/calls may be charged
  • Do you believe in working alongside medical doctors?
    Yes, I believe that it is important to work alongside your medical doctor

BOOK TODAY for YOUR           15 min Discovery CALL

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